Garden for Wildlife

Garden for Wildlife

Garden for Wildlife

Web and Print Campaign

A large part of the National Wildlife Federation’s mission is to help people create gardens that help wildlife. This has a ripple effect on our ecosystem and brings both joy and sustainability to our world. The Garden for Wildlife campaign includes three main tools: Native Plant Finder, Butterfly Heroes, and Certification.

Garden for Wildlife Website Design
Garden for Wildlife Mobile Menu Design
Garden for Wildlife Tablet View
Garden for Wildlife Print Items

Native Plant Finder

Bringing Gardens to Life

Choosing plants is one of the toughest challenges of building a garden. The National Wildlife Federation partnered with the U.S. Forest Service, University of Delaware, and others to create a tool that will help Americans find the plants that will both thrive in their region and also help support birds, butterflies, and other well-loved creatures. This tool allows users to search by region, plant, or the animal they want to attract. It also allows users to save plants and animals for an easy reference when they visit their nursery.

Plant Finder Mobile Page
Plant Finder Account Page

I created advertisements for these garden programs, as well as assets for Butterfly Heroes. This program is designed to get children excited about the environment, specifically by helping butterflies. Kids can pledge (with the help of their parents) to help the Monarch Butterfly and in return receive a free butterfly garden starter kit.

Garden for Wildlife Web Ad
Butterfly Heroes Homepage Design


Celebrate Gardens that give Life

I strategized and mapped out the site structure and user interface for these sites so that users would be guided to the most important part of these programs—Wildlife Habitat Certification. Unlike the old website structure, all of the programs are visible under one main navigation.

Certify User Experience Design

The Certified Wildlife Habitat program helps raise awareness for wildlife and money for the National Wildlife Federation, making it one of the most important initiatives of the organization. Thousands of gardens are recognized and celebrated for providing the essentials for animals to thrive in places they otherwise would not. I worked on this project at openbox9.

Certify Checklist
Certify Warning
Certify Checkout
Certify Thank You Page

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