Perdue Chicken

Perdue Chicken

Perdue Chicken

Perdue Chicken Stock Website

Perdue wanted a single page created on their website to showcase their new chicken stock; however, the excitement over this new product called for something bigger.

Perdue Chicken Recipes on iPad

We decided that creating a fully responsive microsite would be a better strategy for engaging users. Because the new refrigerated chicken stock opened the door to fresher meals, we created a way for users to sort through relevant recipes on the site. We also included a shareable infographic on all the great ways it can improve recipes.

Perdue Chicken Stock website built to be mobile friendly and easy to use

Perdue loved the new microsite, and the excitement it created around the new product.  This highlighted the need to move to a fully responsive and more interactive main website to market all their products and better support customers. I worked on this project at Marriner Marketing.

Perdue Chicken Stock home page presents all the benefits of using Perdue Signature Chicken Stock

This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!

Please upgrade today!